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dBase LLC

dBase, LLC is the legal heir to the dBASE® legend. Created over a quarter century ago, by the founders of Ashton-Tate, and popularized by Borland, dBASE® is the world's most accepted database standard.

Since 1999, thanks to an investment of millions of dollars and countless development hours, dBASE® has been completely reengineered. Now it's a highly-advanced database application development platform, yet retains the simplicity which made the original dBASE® world-renown.

Today, dBASE® is used by millions of people in Fortune 1000 companies and governmental agencies around the globe. And it's trusted by thousands of the earth's most demanding software developers.

Located two hours north of Manhattan in Binghamton NY, our talented team comprises over a hundred years experience in software development, sales, and support.

We're a privately-held corporation and welcome your comments, questions, or suggestions.

Corporate Offices

dBase, LLC
30 Charles Street
Binghamton, NY 13905

Mailing Address (for all correspondence and payments)

30 Charles Street
Binghamton, NY 13905

Call 607-729-0960

The offices are open Monday through Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time USA.

Email: [email protected]